
Gmail spam complaint notifications

Our system automatically detects higher-than-normal spam complaints through a program known as a feedback loop (FBL), which we have set up with all of the major internet service providers (ISPs). Feedback loop notifications from Gmail haven’t been around for as long as the rest, and they work a little differently. In case we ever need to […]

How spam complaints work

Spam complaints are reports made by email recipients against emails they don’t want in their inbox. It’s important to understand how spam complaints work, and how to do your best to avoid them because even legitimate senders get complaints. When an email address in your audience receives an excessive number of complaints, it could result in […]

What to do about high bounce rates

A quick intro to bounces The first thing to know in the email world is that bounces are going to happen. Period. Some can be avoided and some cannot; it is important to know the difference. There are two main categories of bounces that exist: Soft and Hard Soft Bounces typically are due to temporary […]

Spam trap email addresses & how to avoid them

Spam traps are a type of fraud management tool used by major internet service providers (ISPs) and blocklist providers to identify spammers so they can block emails from them. A spam trap is a working email address, but it’s not used to sign up for newsletters. Since spam trap addresses don’t opt-in to receive emails, […]

How & why ISPs block emails

ISP stands for internet service provider. When talking about email marketing, ISP can refer to any of the major email providers: Gmail, AOL, Hotmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Comcast, and so on. Their customers are commonly your email recipients. And it’s the job of the ISP to protect its customers from receiving unwanted or unsolicited emails. ISPs use a variety of tools to […]

DKIM authentication setup

DKIM stands for DomainKeys Identified Mail and is an authentication method that helps ensure the sender’s email address is legitimate and not being spoofed by a third party. The DKIM method works through a digital signature that’s attached to the header of each email sent from your account. The system receiving the email can check that signature […]

Why plaintext emails are also important

Anytime you use the legacy* editor to create an email campaign, you are creating the HTML version of it that usually includes engaging content and colorful images. We send all HTML emails created with the legacy* editor as a multi-part message, meaning a text-only version is sent along with the HTML version and this is […]

The dos & don’ts of email deliverability

We know that protecting and improving your deliverability can feel overwhelming, especially with the constantly evolving technologies that surround email in general. With that said, we’d love to give you some pointers about common deliverability mistakes made and how to avoid them. We’ll break things down chronologically and provide the “Dos and Don’ts” in the […]

View an individual’s response history

Want to see if a particular person in your audience has been interacting with your emails? That’s easy to do by checking their individual response history. Here’s how to find it: How to view a contact’s individual response history 1. Log into your account and go to the Audience tab, which opens on Contacts. 2. […]

Deliverability Best Practices: 5 steps to do BEFORE you send a mailing

Email deliverability can be a complex topic, and it’s important to keep in mind that there isn’t a magic formula to guarantee your emails will land in the inbox. However, there are several variables outlined here that you can control that will increase your chances. 1. Clean & organize your list Starting sends from a […]