Legacy Editor

How to remove the underline from links

Like online communications, links in your campaigns are underlined by default. If you do not like the look of underlined links, you can easily remove it. Simply follow the instructions below for the editor that you’re using. For more information about links in general, please refer to these articles: How to create links in drag […]

How to use the legacy Video block

Email servers typically are not fond of video and many servers tend to block videos that have been embedded in the content of a mailing. In addition to the dip in overall delivery rates because of this, embedding video in your email makes it nearly impossible to track who has watched it. To address this, […]

How to add a table to a Text block

This article is for those using the legacy* editor and explains how to add a formatted table to your campaign when using a Text block. For more information about the legacy* Text block, please refer to this article. For information about using the Table block in the drag and drop editor, please refer to this […]

Tips for using the legacy editor

This article specifically covers our legacy* editor, which was used by all accounts prior to the launch of the drag and drop editor in 2022. For information about the new drag and drop editor, please refer to this article. How to customize the look of a legacy* campaign At the top the legacy* editor, there […]

Email campaign template options

The first step in creating an email campaign is to choose a template. As the foundation for a stylish campaign, a template frames your content and sets the aesthetic tone for your marketing communications. We offer a wide array of ready-made templates that are mobile-optimized, responsive, and come with preset styles for text, links, images, […]

How to create links in legacy campaigns

This article explains how to create links to a URL, an email address, a phone number, a website anchor, a document, or a survey when using the legacy* editor. What is a hyperlink? A hyperlink is when a word or phrase has been selected to connect to a certain URL, email address, phone number, or […]

How to format text in the legacy editor

This article provides an overview of the text block in the legacy* editor and goes over how to add and format copy in your campaigns. How to add text To add a text block to your campaign, follow these steps: Navigate to your Campaigns tab. Open a saved legacy* draft or click on the Create […]

How to use the legacy Image block and its image editor

How to add image blocks In order to add an image to your legacy* campaign, you need to first drag in an image block. You will need to use the Image block, Images block, or the combination blocks that are listed as Right or Left in the legacy* editor. The combination blocks give you both […]

How to use the RSS block

RSS stands for really simple syndication and is a way to easily feature a list of headlines or content from another site on your website, or in this case, in an email campaign or on a landing page. The RSS block lets you quickly import content from an RSS feed into a mailing or landing […]