These instructions are for adding a call-to-action (CTA) button to your business page that links to a signup form that you created in your email marketing account.
We cannot provide assistance for issues encountered while using Facebook. Please refer to Facebook’s help article about adding a CTA for help.
How to add a signup form to your Facebook page
In order to add a signup form your Facebook page, you will need to have first created a signup form in your email marketing account. You’ll also need to have a personal Facebook account that has a business page.
- Navigate to your Audience tab.
- Click on the Forms section in the panel on the left.
- Click on the dropdown arrow that corresponds to the form that you want to add to your Facebook page.
- Select Add to your site from the dropdown menu.
- In the pop-up window that appears, click on the Link tab.
- Copy the URL shown in the pop-up.
- Log in to your Facebook account and navigate to your business page.
- Click on the Add action button button.
- Click on the Contact you option.
- Select the Sign up option.
- Click on the Next button.
- Paste the link that you copied in step 6 into the field.
- Click on the Finish button.
Always test the button to make sure that it works. To do this, simply hover your cursor over the Facebook button and select Test button. You can also choose to edit or delete the button from here.