When you send a campaign, our system collects the engagement results for that mailing in the Response tab. Each mailing has its own response breakdown with an overview section and separate tabs for opens, clicks, shares, new signups, and opt-outs. Each of these metrics are tracked at the recipient level once your mailing reaches a contact’s inbox.
You can export the response data from any of the campaigns that you’ve sent in the past 18 months as a zipped CSV file. This is handy for creating reports, identifying bounces, maintaining the health of your audience list, and working with your response numbers offline.
How to export a mailing’s response data
To create a response export, follow these steps:
- Navigate to your Response tab.
- Click on the name of the desired campaign.
- Click on the Export responses button at the top right.
- In the pop-up window that appears, check the box next to each option that you want to include in your export.
- Click on the Export button.
- Click on the link in the success message to be automatically taken to your Exports page.
How to access and download your exports
Once you’ve created an export, you can choose to click on the link the success message to automatically be taken to your Exports page. You can also access and download your Exports page by following these steps:
- Navigate to your Exports page.
- Tiered accounts: Navigate to the appropriate subaccount, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of your screen, and choose Exports from the dropdown menu.
- Standalone accounts: Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of your screen and choose Exports from the dropdown menu.
- Click on the Mailing response tab.
- Click on the dropdown arrow that corresponds to the desired export.
- Choose Download this export from the menu.
Exports can take time to generate, especially when they contain a large quantity of information.
PDF exports
You can also download your response data or the mailing’s webview as a PDF by following these steps:
- Navigate to your Response tab.
- Click on the name of the desired campaign.
- Click on the Save as PDF button.
- Choose the appropriate option from the dropdown menu.
- To download the response as a PDF, select Save response as PDF
- To download the webview as a PDF, select Save webview as PDF